Freudenberg Music Association
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Freudenberg Music Association
The name alone sounds musical!
The origin of the association goes back to the post-war period. Here, some local musicians came together to provide musical accompaniment to the various religious and secular festivals in Wutschdorf, Freudenberg and the surrounding area, which later made a name for itself as the Hammerbachtaler brass band and is still booked today as a festival band under the name d`Hammerbachtaler Blous`n .
First and foremost, one should remember Josef Luber, who at that time tried to train the youngsters needed for the band. With Franz Luber and other musicians and sponsors, they tried a completely new beginning with the establishment of a youth wind orchestra and could also win the unforgettable Hans Sikorski as training director, who was already very successful in Wackersdorf and Vilseck.
In the spring of 1976 50 (!) Children began their theoretical and practical training on the melodica. This was the basis for building the orchestra.
In order to be able to cope with the organizational tasks, 43 members signed up for the founding meeting of the Freudenberg Music Association on November 30, 1976 and elected the then mayor Martin Schwarz as chairman of the association and Franz Luber as his deputy. Franz Luber also took over the position of conductor of the youth orchestra, which was able to perform for the first time shortly afterwards at the Christmas party in 1977. A junior research group with over 40 children rehearsed regularly from March 1979 under the direction of Hans Sikorski and Franz Luber.
In order to be able to represent accordingly at the public appearances, the association managed at the instigation and according to the drafts of the then district homeworker Dr. Eichenseer put on the Upper Palatinate costumes for the musicians. At the same time she joined the North Bavarian Music Association.
In the first valuation game in the lower grades, the youth orchestra achieved first place with a commendation. Thanks to his tireless commitment to the Musikverein until 1987, Hans Sikorski will remain unforgettable here. He was succeeded by Georg Amtmann as musical director until his professional resignation in 1992 and was replaced by Gerhard Zinnbauer, who led the orchestra with great dedication and success until 2016. In gratitude and appreciation for these achievements, Gerhard Zinnbauer was awarded the Freudenberg Community Medal of Merit in 2010 and was named Honorary Conductor of the Musikverein in 2017. In 2017 the musical direction was handed over to Josef Zweck, who has also been leading the club's junior formations with great success since 2018.
Organizationally, the association was successfully managed by Martin Schwarz as 1st chairman for 17 years until 1993. He was followed by Norbert Probst, both as 1st chairman of the association and 1st mayor of the Freudenberg community. Norbert Probst was also the managing director of the Nordbayerischer Musikbund for many years and headed the office here in Freudenberg. In 2007, Helmut Stobitzer took over the management of the club, who until then had been able to contribute as a deputy and long-standing junior supervisor. In 2017, after two years as deputy, Patrick Heller, an active member of the orchestra, took over the management of the club.
As in every music association, the primary task is the successful training of young up-and-coming musicians to continuously supplement the orchestra in order to be able to replace the departing musicians. A number of qualified trainers are available for this very responsible job. Barbara Gerl should be mentioned here as a representative, who has been involved in the training of young musicians for many years and introduces children to brass music with great care and passion, for many years as the director of the young orchestra, currently leading the melodic groups. The conductor, who also organizes annual recruiting for the next generation, is responsible for the entire training management.
In the meantime, countless young members have acquired the musician's badge in bronze, silver and gold, which has made it possible to keep the quality of the orchestra very successfully high. In the various competitions at valuation games this was shown up to 1st place with praise and distinction in the upper level. The orchestra received a special award with the presentation of the music promotion prize of the Upper Palatinate district in 1996. This also describes the excellent work of the conductor Gerhard Tin maker.
After the music association was initially unable to have its own domicile, and thankfully the orchestra rehearsals in the auditorium and individual lessons in different rooms of the elementary school in Wutschdorf, it was possible to purchase the prefabricated wooden makeshift chapel that had become vacant during the renovation work at the Amberg Clinic. Thanks to the great personal commitment of the members, it now serves as a club house and primarily as a storage facility for many of the club's bulky utensils.
For the traditional spring concert of the Musikverein - always on the Saturday before Mother's Day - the orchestra has the big one School gym in Wutschdorf available. The concert is an insider tip for all brass music lovers. The orchestra's repertoire ranges from traditional brass and marching music, well-known evergreens, pieces from the field of film and musicals to current hits, so that a very appealing and varied program is always on offer. The junior groups will also show their musical skills on this date.